Always A Witch Hunt collar

I did some doodles on a cream with gold sparkle fabric quilted with utility ticking on the reverse.
I keep hearing about draining the swamp and living in Florida with its abundance of stanky places and people I worry about the Swamp Witches and their gators and toads!
I think the swamp is just fine- water is just about perfect in fact!
no need to drain it unless of course the toads are taking over- and then that’s when we put the frog legs on the grill and let ‘em fry!
so tired of the constant bull-loney that keeps trying to shock and awe me!
granny Kim is not a good drawer but if she could be a political cartoonist she would!
thanks for stopping by and laughing along with me as we continue to tread water in the swamp of this very mosquito filled America.
calamity kim